About Us

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Kehilat Sar Shalom was established as a sister congregation to Son of David in 1998. We meet regularly in Leesburg, Virginia and welcome both Jew and Gentile in worship.

Our Mission

Living the abundant life, in the context of messianic Jewish worship and community.


  • Lifting up Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) as life and salvation
  • Instruction that begins and ends with Messiah and places the Gospel (His death, burial and resurrections) at the core of our faith
  • Fellowshipping in a bond of unity, love and prayer
  • Equipping our members for the work of ministry and evangelism

Can We Pray For You?

Help Support Kehilat Sar Shalom

908 Trailview Blvd SE Suite 200
Leesburg, VA 20175

Operating Time

Every Saturday


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