A Rosh Hashanah Poll

Shalom, everyone!

With the Jewish New Year just around the corner, we are considering making New Year’s cards available to you. Just like at the January 1st new year, it is a tradition to send holiday greeting cards at the Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah. Please take a moment to complete the form below. Don’t worry, you aren’t locking yourself in stone to purchasing something that you might not like. But if the majority of you say that you aren’t interested, we aren’t going to go through the effort of ordering them, and having them sit around an already cluttered office.

Also included in this form is an inquiry as to whether you are going to want a lulav and an etrog for Sukkot this year. If you are interested in a set, they will most likely be about $40 like they were last year. I will confirm with you the price before ordering, but want to order enough early so that we will have enough for everyone who wants them this year.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the form.

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