Here is a list of items that we are hoping to be able to take with us to Cuba.
The following items are requested as humanitarian aid:
- multiple vitamins
- Vitamin C
- B vitamins
- Vitamin E
- children’s vitamins
- band aids
- gauze
- Q-tips
- blood pressure cuffs
- Tylenol
- Motrin
- cough medicine
- toothbrush
- toothpaste
- dental floss
- hair brush
- combs
- baseball equipment
- gloves
- bats
- balls
- pens
- pencils
- art supplies
- construction paper
- glue
- matzah
- horseradish
cash for air conditioning – the system would be used to cool the main church, which right now has NO air conditioning. It makes having services inside extremely uncomfortable. So when it rains, things get bad pretty quickly.